Saturday, April 01, 2006

Slang of the 1950's

Here are some oldies but goodies for you to remember.

Agitate the Gravel ....... > To leave (hot-rodders)
Ankle-biter..........>A child
to go Ape........> - to explode or be really mad
Are you writing a book?.........>.You're asking too many questions

Back seat bingo.................Necking in a car
Bad news......................Depressing person
Bash...........Great party
Bent eight..............a V-8 engine (hot-rodders)
Big Daddy.......................An older person
Big tickle......................Really funny
Bit.....................An act
Blast.......................A good time
Blow off..................To defeat in a race (hot-rodders)

Bug.................."You bug me" - to bother
Burn rubber............To accelerate hard and fast (hot-rodders)

Classy Chassis.... a girl with a great figure
Cook, cookin".... really great as in "Man, that really cooks!"
Cool it...simmer down
Cool... well, cool still today
Cranked...turned up and excited
Crazy man.... like thats so totally awesome dude.
Drag---care race , boring person or thing
Flat out.... completely, as in "he is so flat out stupid/gorgeous" "he is a flat out liar" Also a car term meaning to put the pedal to the metal.
Flat top........... crew cut hairstyle which along with the DA was popular in the 50's and 60's
Frosted..... upset, angry. Flat out angry too.

Remember the tv show 77 Sunset Strip?
Kookie parked the cars.. here are some of his beat generation hip talk:

Antsville.............A place full of people
Chick in skins...............Woman in a fur coat
Front burner....................Current crisis
Germsville .................An illness - Buzzed by germsville means put in the hospital
Heels on fire.................In a hurry
International intrigue dodge...............Private eye business
Lighting up the tilt sign...................Lying
Long green................Money

Mushroom people....................People who come out at night to play.
Smog in the noggin'..............Memory loss
Stable the horses.................Park the cars

1 comment:

  1. good goodies :P
    thank youu
    and creative backgound!
    and decorations!
