There is nothing quite as lovely as creating your own fragrant and flavored sugars.
You can use a variety of things to scent and flavor sugar but lavender is quite lovely.
You will need to obtain some culinary lavender buds. These are untreated and safe to eat
You can buy them online or in specialty shops.
The photo I found is a sample of what they sell Here and it seems reasonably priced, though I have not bought from them as yet myself. Just be sure it is culinary lavender so its not been treated with insecticides, etc.
If you grow your own lavender you have it made in the shade!
For lavender sugar you will need the following:
2 cups of fine sugar.
3 generous Tablespoons of culinary lavender. You can use fresh buds if you grow your own and they are not chemically treated.
You may leave the buds whole or you can run everything through a processor or spice mill to finely chop and mix it all.
But some people do not want the buds or even pieces to be left in the sugar. If that is the case, leave them whole mixed into the sugar and store in a tight glass jar that you place in a cool, dark place for a week or so.
Once the scent is completely through the mixture, you can strain out the buds using a mesh sieve and then place the sugar back in its jar.
You can select a pretty mason type jar to both create the sugar and keep it.
To make a pretty touch, you might cut a circle of fabric a bit larger than the jar top with pinking sheers and decorate the top of the jar with it by securing with a ribbon.
I found this nice do it yourself tutorial on making them HERE.
Your lavender sugar is ready for tea or topping cookies... whatever you wish .
Lavender is nice but be super careful because it has definite "space out" drug effects.